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Learn more about the work of ICAEW's Trust & Ethics team and the expert groups who support us.

Our work

Our work includes helping government and regulators make good regulation, in the public interest. We do this through participating in relevant regulatory initiatives and in our responses (or ‘representations’) to consultations on proposed regulatory change.

We also provide guidance to our members on relevant aspects of law and regulation and make a variety of resources available to our members and the wider public to help them understand and apply relevant law or regulation.

Please follow the links on our landing page for more information, including on:

  • our technical releases and other guidance
  • our latest or key publications
  • our representations

Expert groups

We are supported by the following ICAEW Technical Committees:

  • Ethics Standards Committee
  • Business Law Committee
  • Insolvency Committee

We are also supported by sub-committees and working groups with insights into specific areas of law and regulation, including company law, workplace pensions, charities, and data protection.

In total we benefit from input from over 100 expert individuals without whom our work would not be possible. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the relevant member of staff at the above addresses.

Meet the team

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Laura Hough ACA Laura Hough ACA, Director, Reputation & Influence, Trust & Ethics

Laura joined ICAEW in April 2023 after a long career heading up teams tackling fraud across the public and private sector. Her main areas of expertise are: economics crime, ethics and fraud.

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Mike Miller Economic Crime Manager

Main areas: economic crime, sanctions.

Charles Worth
Charles Worth Head of Business Law

Main areas: good regulation, company law, insolvency, workplace pensions, charities and social housing.

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David Gomez Senior Lead, Ethics

Main areas: ethics, sanctions and economic crime.

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