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MTD for VAT penalties

Helpsheets and support

Published: 06 Dec 2018 Updated: 30 May 2024 Update History

The introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD) VAT prompted questions about the penalties that may be incurred if a business does not comply. A new system of penalties for late submission and payment of VAT has applied from January 2023, replacing default surcharge. Other breaches may incur one of the existing regulatory penalties.

Late submission and payment 

Legislation to introduce a new system of penalties for late submission of VAT returns was introduced by Finance Act 2021 (s116 and Schs 24 and 25).

Finance Act 2021 also introduced new penalties for late payment of VAT (s117 and Sch 26) and the charging of interest on late paid VAT (s120 and Sch 29).

Summaries of the rules are available on

More detailed guidance is available in HMRC’s internal manuals, which are aimed at HMRC officers but available to all:

Regulatory penalties

Filing method penalty

HMRC has the power to charge a penalty of up to £400 for filing a VAT return other than electronically without the prior agreement of HMRC (reg. 25A, VAT regulations 1995, SI 1995/2518). This power has been rarely used but has been extended to the obligation to file VAT returns using MTD functional compatible software.

General regulatory penalty

HMRC has the power to charge a penalty for failure to comply with certain regulatory requirements (s69 (1), VAT Act 1994). The penalty rates for such a failure are:

  • If there has been no previous failure to comply with the requirement within two years prior to the present failure - £5 per day.
  • If there had been only one such occasion in that period - £10 per day.
  • In any other case - £15 per day.

There is a minimum penalty of £50. The penalty rate is applied to the number of days a failure continues up to a maximum of 100 days.

These penalties are not automatic. The penalty can only be charged if HMRC has issued a written warning within the previous two years (s76(2), VAT Act 1994). These penalties also apply to breaches of the MTD VAT regulations including the requirement for digital links.

Record keeping penalty

HMRC has the power to charge a penalty for failure to keep the required VAT records (s69(2), VAT Act 1994). The maximum penalty is £500. This penalty cannot be charged in addition to the general regulatory penalty outlined above. The Tax Faculty’s understanding is that the general regulatory penalty is more likely to be used by HMRC.

Other VAT penalties

There are other VAT-related penalties that are unaffected by MTD requirements but may need to be considered. These include:


There is a formal right of appeal against each of the different types of penalty. Possible grounds for appeal are

  • reasonable excuse for late filing, payment or other failure to comply with the regulations
  • in relation to inaccuracy penalties, that the trader took reasonable care to avoid errors and inaccuracies when filing their VAT return

These grounds for appeal will continue unchanged; if there is an issue connected with introducing new systems and processes this may be a relevant factor when appealing against a penalty.

Tax Faculty

This guidance is created by the Tax Faculty, recognised internationally as a leading authority and source of expertise on taxation. The Faculty is the voice of tax for ICAEW, responsible for all submissions to the tax authorities. Join the Faculty for expert guidance and support enabling you to provide the best advice on tax to your clients or business.

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