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Public Sector Audit and Assurance

Read the latest insights on audit & assurance in the public sector from ICAEW, including the latest on the Redmond Review on the future of local audit. Find out about ICAEW’s role in licensing, registering and monitoring local auditors - and how to register. Download ICAEW’s technical framework for reporting on grant claims and get help from ICAEW in commissioning independent reports on recipient eligibility.

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ICAEW vision for local audit

ICAEW sets out its vision for local audit, making the case for better financial reporting, high quality and more timely audits, stronger financial management and governance, and a thriving profession that is highly valued.

Local public audit in England

ICAEW is responsible for the licensing, registering and monitoring of auditors who wish to carry out audits of local public bodies. This page explains what accountancy firms and individuals need to do to become a registered local auditor under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.

UK public sector audit

Public sector bodies may produce financial statements under the same accounting standards as their private sector counterparts, but there are some key differences. In addition, each of the UK's four nations has its own approach to audit. This hub highlights the important variations all auditors need to be aware of.

Reports and Analysis

Local public audit: expectations gap

Trust and confidence in public spending can only be enhanced by building a framework of accountability, transparency, governance and ethics. This publication explores the issues that local public bodies in England are facing in the current economic climate.