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Entertainment, Sport & Media Community webinars and recordings

Webinars and other recordings for Entertainment, Sport & Media Community members.
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The information in these webinars reflects the understanding of ICAEW at the time of recording but things may have changed since that time. You should consult the latest guidance alongside a viewing of these on-demand webinars.

Community webinars

Event Date Recording
AI in the entertainment industry – what you need to know
A conversation surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and how it is used in the world of entertainment and media.
12 June 2024 Listen again
The future of football
Where is football headed? Learn about the current financial situation of the sport and its future prospects.
23 April 2024
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Global entertainment, sport and media outlook: 2024
What does 2024 hold for the entertainment, sport and media industry? Discover the latest updates and common themes in the industry.
29 February 2024
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Audio-visual creative reliefs: The draft legislation and what this means for you
The current changes to the recent visual tax relief form and who is likely to be impacted by this.
30 November 2023 Listen again
Sexism and misogyny in sport
Olympic Gold Medallist Tessa Sanderson CBE and Chief Executive of Women in Sport Stephanie Hillborne OBE discuss real life experiences of sexism and misogyny in sport and how this translates to the workplace.
24 October 2023
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We all have a responsibility – racism and discrimination in sport, entertainment, and media
Explore racism and discrimination within the entertainment, media and sport industry and discuss what changes are being made within the various organisations to tackle these issues.
23 February 2022 Listen again
Self Employed Income Support Scheme and Grants: What you need to know
Hear our speakers discuss the issues surrounding the SEISS and COVID-19 related grants and, what you need to be aware of. This webinar explores both the technical aspect as well as real life issues. Watch online now or at your leisure.
13 September 2021
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HMRC and payments to football agents: an update
Join us for this webinar looking at the release of HMRC’s latest guidance for payments made by football clubs to football agents, and what it means for the 2021 summer transfer window and beyond.
14 July 2021
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Important update: Tax status and IR35 in entertainment
Explore the tax status within the entertainment, industry and how this relates to caselaw. Clear up some of the misconceptions about PSCs and the scope of IR35.
28 April 2021
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Auditing standard changes and the impact on the sport, media and entertainment industry
This webinar covers auditing standards changes and considerations for sport, media and entertainment organisations.
10 February 2021
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Other webinars

Event Date Recording
IFRS 16: A refresher
Keeping you up-to-date on IFRS 16: what's working well and what the challenges are.
14 September 2023
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Placemaking in UK high streets
This webinar will look at placemaking and strengthening communities through rejuvenation of town and village centres across the UK.
13 June 2023
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An introduction to football modelling: Can we predict the future?
In this webinar, Rob Mastrodomenico looks at the fundamental principles behind the beautiful game, specifically how you can characterise what is important and not important in a match between two sides.
22 September 2021
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