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Jumpstarting the Economy

Supply chain challenges, rising energy costs and global volatility are threatening to kickstart a recession. However, we examine the changes in technology, education and economic markets which could help keep the country on track.

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Bank of England building
How we can minimise the impacts of a potential recession

The Bank of England has predicted that the UK will go into recession towards the end of the year. What can be done to ease the impacts from a macro and microeconomic perspective?

How should we respond to spiralling energy costs?

We look at the possible solutions to rising energy costs both at a macro and business level. What are businesses doing to mitigate the costs? And what do they expect the government to do to ease the burden?

Factor workers moving boxes
Supply chain challenges: where are we now?

Supply chain issues were affecting a large number of businesses around the world at the beginning of the year. How have things progressed, and how are businesses coping? What supply chain issues are on the horizon?

Women reading bill
How to deal with global volatility

EY Chief Economist Peter Arnold talks through the factors creating volatility and uncertainty in the global economy and offers advice on how businesses should respond.

Colleague being mentored
How should we manage the great skills shift?

We look at the rapid changes going on within the global economy and what that means for the skillset of the average worker. We look at current initiatives for up- and re-skilling people, how effective they’ve been so far, and what more needs to be done.

Women looking at digital screen
How technology is reshaping the global economy

We look at the way technology is opening up new opportunities for developed and developing nations, and the opportunities for the UK when it comes to developing its technology offering.

City viewer
Labour markets post-COVID and Brexit

We’ve left the EU, and dealt with a pandemic. What has it done to the labour market, and what can be done about it?

Man at work
Business investment: the tax/investment balancing act

Competitive tax rates and incentives can encourage investment, but applying this is not quite as simple as it might first seem.

Women looking at building
Business investment: why certainty matters

If there’s one thing the UK and global economy has sorely lacked lately, it’s certainty. With so many unknown factors having an influence at the moment, how can we bring it back?

Eco-friendly building
Business investment: the unstoppable growth of ESG

Investors want solid environmental, social and governance (ESG) evidence from the businesses they put money into. This demand can push companies to invest in solid ESG plans.


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