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2024 Annual General Meeting


Published: 25 Jun 2024

The Corporate Finance Faculty held its 2024 Annual General Meeting on Thursday 20 June 2024 at Chartered Accountants’ Hall.?

2024 Corporate Finance Faculty AGM

member room at CAH

It was a pleasure to see so many of our member firms represented at our Annual General Meeting on 20 June, which started off with a buffet lunch and a wonderful atmosphere of networking and catching up. David Petrie, Head of Corporate Finance, then kicked off the formalities with a warm welcome and drew our members’ attention to the most recent edition of Corporate Financier and a copy of the Annual Review for 2023 in a new format distributed to all delegates.

Alistair Brew speaking at CFF AGM

Faculty chairman, Alistair Brew (pictured above), then took to the lectern to set out the faculty’s work on behalf of its members and ICAEW in 2023, as summarised in the 2023 Annual Review. He also welcomed our three new board members, Mark Clephan (EY UK Partner), Chris Jarvill, (EY UK amd chair of the Technical Committee) and Charindra Pathiwille (Deloitte Partner, Head of Financial Advisory Practice).

David Petrie speaking at CFF AGM
This was followed by David’s outline of the work we’ve been doing so far in 2024 and our plans for the rest of the year, with several initiatives and events to take place in the second half of 2024. He indicated that the work we undertake in 2025 will be predominately dependent on the UK national elections that take place next month in July and the focus of new policies set out by the government. 
Yvette Allen receiving gift at CFF AGM
Before closing the AGM, Alistair presented a gift to former chair of our Technical Committee, Yvette Allan, in recognition of her years of services to the Corporate Finance Faculty. Her many years of involvement with the faculty’s technical and regulatory work on behalf of our members is hugely appreciated.  

"As we continue to navigate a testing economic landscape, the faculty board, technical committee and faculty team will aim to anticipate challenges the industry will face and harness opportunities to continue to support our members.”

Corporate Finance Faculty Chair, Alistair Brew

Download the 2023 Annual Review?

In 2023, the faculty continued its work on behalf of more than 80 member organisations, with individual membership of the faculty increased to almost 10,000.
To read about the work of the faculty and its initiatives, members services and financial statement, download a copy of the annual review here.

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