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Information to be supplied by members regulations


Effective: 01 Dec 2010

Reviewed: 11 Mar 2011 Update History

Regulations setting out the information ICAEW members must provide to the members' registrar.

The Regulations

  1. These Regulations were made by the Council under Bye-law 49(a).


  1. Words and expressions defined in the Bye-laws have the same meanings in these Regulations.

    The following definitions are relevant to these Regulations.

    • Members Profile means a questionnaire or profile document sent to a member from time to time.
    • Members’ Registrar means the person of that title appointed by the Chief Executive.

    NOTE: (This note does not form part of the Regulations.) Bye-law 1 provides that the term ‘registered address’ means:

    1. in the case of a member in practice, the place of business registered by him with the Institute or, where more than one such business is registered by him, such place of business indicated by him as being his principal place of business; and,
    2. in the case of a member not in practice, the address registered by him with the Institute.

Information to be supplied

  1. Upon admission, an associate shall provide the Members’ Registrar with particulars of his full names, and his Registered Address.

    A member may provide a further address in addition to a Registered Address to which he may elect to have all correspondence sent and this shall be recorded as the Secondary Address.

    A member shall complete and return to the Members’ Registrar the Members Profile document.

    A member shall inform the Members’ Registrar of any change or changes to information previously provided to the Members’ Registrar under these Regulations within a period of 28 days from any such change or changes taking effect.

    A member shall supply the Members’ Registrar with any other information relative to his membership, practice or employment which the Council may reasonably require for carrying out the provisions of the Royal Charter, Byelaws, and Regulations or in pursuing the Institute’s aims.

List of Members

  1. ICAEW shall publish, or cause to be published, annually a list of members, which shall include the members’ full names, registered addresses and date of admission to membership, together with such other particulars concerning ICAEW, its members or its objects and at such prices as it considers appropriate.