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Life member offers
Here to help
We’re here for you and your close family, for an everyday situation or an exceptional life-changing circumstance. Call us on (0) 1788 556 366, contact us by email or chat by visiting, or register for an account on our portal. Find out more

Whilst we support the ICAEW community, we’re independent, so you can talk to us about anything, openly and in complete confidence. We’re here for you and your close family, whether it’s an everyday situation or an exceptional life-changing circumstance

We want everyone in our community to thrive, but sometimes things get in the way or they’re too overwhelming to handle alone. That’s where we come in. We champion wellbeing and work with you to provide the right support or advice so you can manage whatever’s in front of you.

We are here to support you if you are an ACA student, an existing or former ICAEW member or a close family dependent, whether it’s the everyday or the exceptional, expected or out of the blue, we’re there.

Financial help

Our means-tested financial support can help to pay for essential living costs, car repairs, care-home top up fees and more.

We also have a £450 energy costs payment that can be put towards gas, electric and water bills.

Debt advice

Our non-judgemental, specialist debt advisors can work with you to develop a plan to get your finances back on track. We can help you understand your bills and what you owe and negotiate realistic payment plans. Free budgeting tools, tips and advice on our website can also help to ease money worries.Supporting your well-being

Emotional support

If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed by money worries, or it’s affecting your family, then our individual or relationship counselling services can help. We can put you in touch with a professional counsellor over the phone, by video call or visit our online counselling service Qwell.

Carer support

Our dedicated carer support officers can give personalised advice and assistance to carers or people needing care. From financial and emotional support, to benefits advice and practical help such as completing assessments and choosing the right care.

Benefits advice

If you’re not sure what benefits, government schemes and grants you could be entitled to, we can help you navigate the system and complete the application forms.

CABA logo red and orange

Find out more


Support is available face-to-face, online and over the phone.


Discover more at, email [email protected] or call us 24 hours a day, every day on 01788 556366.

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Member Rewards Brochure

Unlock exclusive discounts and special offers. Explore our Member Rewards brochure now to see how much you can save!

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Affinity partnerships

To find out how to promote your products to members via our affinity marketing programme.

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