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Member administration

Difficulties in making changes to your membership

If you have attempted to make changes to your membership subscriptions, such as adding a community or faculty, but are having difficulties, here we outline the most common solutions.

When you are reviewing your membership package, you will be provided a breakdown of all the services currently associated with your renewal. This will enable you to add, remove and amend services.

Cannot add, remove or amend your subscription

Bulk scheme

If you are unable to make changes to your member subscription, it may be that you are part of a Bulk Scheme; in which your employer will be paying for the service(s) on your behalf. Bulk Scheme members will be unable to add, remove and amend any part of their subscription package.

If you need to make any changes to your subscription or you no longer require your subscription to be paid for by your firm, your firm will need to email: [email protected].

Corporate Scheme

If you are unable to remove a faculty or community, it may be that you are part of a Corporate Scheme; in which your firm will be paying for this service on your behalf. 

Corporate Scheme members will see an information blurb displayed to the right of the membership package information.

If you believe this is incorrect, or you no longer require this service, please email: [email protected].

Please note: If you are a member of a Corporate Scheme, you are able to add additional faculties, communities and other applicable services to your membership package.

Changed subscription rate not showing

When making changes to your fees and subscriptions, please ensure you select ‘Confirm and Pay’ to ensure your amendments are saved against your account. 

Trouble logging in

Forgotten password

If you cannot remember your password, you can reset it online using either ‘Reset by Email’ or the ‘Reset Online’ option.

If you choose to ‘Reset by Email’ and do not receive a link within 15 minutes, you should check that the email address you are using is the same one you registered with ICAEW. If you have a new email or do not have access to your registered email address, please contact us for further support.

If your email is the same as the one you registered with, then it may be that the password reset email has been treated as spam within your email account. Please try checking your spam folder.

Please note: Once you have requested to reset your password, you will have 30 minutes to complete the reset. After this time you will need to request another password reset if this timeframe lapses. folder.

Forgotten username

If you cannot remember your username, you can request this online and it will be sent to your registered email address.

If you do not receive an email within 15 minutes, you should check that the email address you are using is the same one you registered with ICAEW. If you have a new email or do not have access to your registered email address, please contact us for further support. 

If your email is the same as the one you registered with, then it may be that the username reminder has been treated as spam within your email account. Please try checking your spam folder. 

We're here to help

If you have any questions or need any more support please get in touch with our Members Information Team.

Get in touch