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Welcome to the fourth edition of Quarterly. In this issue, we examine how international flows of capital, goods and services are changing as a result of populism, climate  change and COVID-19.

Highlights from this issue

Aircraft flying above a city
Special report

Populism and global trade

Globalisation is in transition. US-China tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic are changing dynamics. We explore how international trade has been affected by the rise of populist politics, and consider how it will change again in the future.
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How should companies spend their cash reserves

Corporate liquidity is at record levels this year as companies sit on a huge cash reserve, bolstered by government emergency funding. We look at how and when businesses might resume investing in for an economic recovery.
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Graphic of a flower

Why we urgently need a common understanding of data

Those with the access and power to decide how data is used will be the focus of a key 21st century battleground. It’s imperative to take heed of the debate now – and its business implications
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Cityscape graphic
Business spotlight

B Lab UK’s Charmian Love on building a sustainable business

Accountants could be the ‘rock stars’ of our new economy, says B Lab UK’s Charmian Love, whose dream is to create a community of companies working for a better future.
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Charmian Love

Better ways to tax: global tax reform

The pandemic has presented governments with the opportunity to reform their tax systems. We take a look at how five nations are tackling this challenge, starting with the UK
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Illustrative graphic for global tax review feature

Also in this issue

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