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Diversity in the profession

Diversity through scholarships and bursaries

Author: ICAEW

Published: 03 Dec 2020

Scholarships and bursaries

Why are scholarships and bursaries important?

ICAEW never wants lack of money to be a barrier to an individual entering the accountancy profession. Through offering of means-tested scholarships and bursaries to study towards relevant qualifications, we can help ensure this is not the case.

What scholarships and bursaries are available?

ICAEW Foundation

Changing Futures bursary programme - The ICAEW Foundation provides bursaries through UK universities for talented students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds wishing to study for an accountancy or finance related degree at university.

Building futures bursary programme - This programme provides bursaries to a growing number of talented and ambitious students undertaking new professional accountancy qualifications in countries such as Cambodia, Ghana, Malawi and Lesotho.

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