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Diversity and inclusion conversations series

Diversity and inclusion conversations: inclusive recruitment

The latest ICAEW Diversity and Inclusion webinar covered the topic of inclusive recruitment. Register to watch below.

Inclusive recruitment

"Attracting diverse talent" is one of five pillars of ICAEW’s strategy. There are many benefits to a diverse workforce, for instance better decision-making processes across teams and a workforce that is representative of the society it serves. Register below to download the webinar. Available until 2 Dec 2022 (please note: you cannot share the webinar publicly after downloading).

The first opportunity to make a workplace more inclusive is the recruitment process. Organisations benefit from ensuring inclusion is covered at each stage of the employee life cycle to ensure access to the best talent across all characteristics. In this webinar, Bailey Bell, Psychologist at Pearn Kandola, discusses the importance of an inclusive recruitment process for Accountancy firms and businesses, and takes a deep-dive into three core aspects.


This stage includes the subtle cues that potential candidates see through an organisation’s website, social media, job adverts and policies; which can impact whether they decide to apply or not. Learn to become aware of these cues and take steps to ensure they are not inadvertently excluding some people.


Selection process

The selection process is particularly prone to (unconscious) biases that might disadvantage certain individuals or groups of people. Explore where potential bias can creep into the selection process and the practical steps that hiring manager and HR can take to ensure they are mitigating the risk of bias.



Organisations sometimes struggle to plan the onboarding stage of the recruitment process, which can result in new starters feeling excluded and ill-equipped to do their role. Discover how we can all take steps to manage our biases and invest time in bringing new starters up to speed and setting them up for success.

Bailey Bell

Our speaker: Bailey Bell

In this webinar, Bailey Bell, Psychologist, BSC (HONS), MSC, MBPP, at Pearn Kandola, discusses the importance of an inclusive recruitment process. 

Bailey is a psychologist with Pearn Kandola, committed to supporting organisations in making sustainable progress towards greater fairness and inclusion in the workplace. Bailey's work includes researching and applying the latest psychological research to improve inclusion in organisations across the employee life cycle. His areas of interest in research include instilling fair processes. In his consultancy work, Bailey has led and been involved in a variety of diversity and inclusion initiatives in both the private and public sector. This has included projects on topics of inclusive recruitment, leadership development, racism and allyship, as well as unconscious bias and inclusive culture. He has also been heavily involved in conducting audits on processes and inclusive climate within organisations.

Pearn Kandola

As business psychologists with over 35 years’ experience Pearn Kandola know better than anyone how to move the dial on Diversity & Inclusion, embed change and reach everyone in your organisation. Their aim is simple: to make the world fairer.

Pearn Kandola website

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Diversity and inclusion conversation series

This series of webinars and resources will explore different diversity and inclusion topics to help you in your recruitment and employee support. We will be hosting further events to provide insights, resources, and support in 2022. Our blog post covers the topic of inclusive recruitment within the workplace.

Read blog post

Diversity and Inclusion conversations