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In this guide we introduce some tips for success to help you master the Business Strategy and Technology exam.

Tips for success

  1. Practise working in the exam software as often as you can so that you are familiar with it on the day
  2. Show your workings – the examiner cannot see hidden formulas
  3. Start by analysing the requirements, break down the questions into their components e.g. if you are asked to discuss advantages and disadvantages, and to recommend what the business should do next there are three requirements. Set up three headings in the exam software so that you do not forget to cover them all
  4. Make sure that you get the marks for format e.g. briefing paper or report
  5. As you read the scenario make notes of key points under the headings.
  6. If you are provided with data, analyse this before you start writing your answer and include your calculations in one place
  7. Make sure that the calculations are developed in your narrative – do not just repeat the calculation in words but explore why this has happened and what does it mean for the business
  8. Use subheadings and short paragraphs with one key point in each paragraph
  9. Simple clear language with short sentences is better than long rambling paragraphs
  10. Answer the questions in order as part one may help you to address the issues in subsequent parts
  11. If you are struggling to generate ideas imagine that this is your business – what would you do and why? A practical issue lead solution will always score marks
  12. Take any opportunity to get feedback on your work from a tutor – this is invaluable in developing the appropriate style. If you do not have a tutor can you ask a friend or colleague for feedback?
  13. Manage your time carefully – be aware of how fast you can write and make sure that you develop your written style to match
  14. Remember that the examiner’s answers include a range of points – you cannot reproduce this in the exam, and you are not expected to. Use the sample answers to develop your understanding of key issues and to identify new points which you have not yet thought of
  15. Remember to use your common sense in the exam. Apply your knowledge rather than repeat what you have read in your textbook