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Exam guidance

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Resources to help you prepare for your exam.

Exam updates

In 2021 we introduced a new exam software, it’s vital you become familiar with the software before your exam, so ensure you practise using the practice software. View our exam system status page for any alerts, issues and updates regarding our exam systems. You can also find the latest updates and provisions we have made in response to the coronavirus pandemic on our qualifications hub.

Data analytics software

We have a range of resources to support you with the data analytics software within the Audit and Assurance and Corporate Reporting exams. Visit for all the resources, including guidance from the examiners on using the software within your exam.

Learning materials

Our learning materials are digital only and can be purchased via the ICAEW Bookstore. Check with your employer/tuition provider if you are expected to order your learning materials, or whether they will be ordered for you.

ACA tuition providers online

If you are looking for an ACA tuition provider, take a look at the list here.

Book your exam

You can book your exam via exams online, view the how to book an exam guide and how to modify/withdraw your exam application guide for more detail. You have limited time to book your exam so make sure you know the key dates and deadlines and add them to your planner to keep organised.

Access arrangements

If you feel your exam performance may be hindered due to a health condition, disability, or specific learning difficulty, view the guidance on how to apply.  

Exam disruption appeal

If you feel your exam has been adversely affected by illness or other circumstances you can have these factors taken into account during the results determination process. Make sure you understand the exam disruption appeal process before you sit your exam.

Exam results and rewards

To celebrate the success of outstanding exam performance, we award exam prizes based on your results. The awards and winners are announced on results day. Update your preferences via exams online to receive your exam results by SMS or view them via your training file

Frequently asked questions

If you have a question about the ACA, then look no further. View our answers to frequently asked questions relating to the ACA qualification and training.


Juggling study, work and family commitments is tough. So, from the moment you begin your ACA training agreement, caba are there to help you do it all.  Their services are free, impartial and strictly confidential. They’re available to you, your spouse or life partner and close family members. You don’t have to donate to use them. Here are some blogs which can support your studies: