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ICAEW is one of the founding members of the Global Accounting Alliance. This is an agreement between leading professional accountancy bodies in significant capital markets. It was formed in 2005 in response to the emerging challenges of globalisation.
  • How do the services available to GAA institute members differ from those available to ICAEW members?
    ICAEW Benefit GAA institute member benefit ICAEW Member
    Use of ACA designation No Yes
    Able to practice No Yes, if certain conditions are met
    Access to Advisory Services and helplines No Yes
    Monthly economia magazine No Yes
    Monthly Alert Yes Yes
    Faculties Can join the Faculties at the subscriber rate              Can join at ICAEW member rate
    Communities Can join the Communities at the subscriber rate Can join at ICAEW member rate (plus VAT)
    CPD events Charged at ICAEW member rate (plus VAT) Charged at ICAEW member rate (plus VAT)
    Use of Library & Information Service Access to the library, enquiry desk, document delivery and book borrowing rights services while based in the UK Yes
    Online subject gateways and country resources Yes, but access to some materials will be restricted Yes
    Online accounting and tax developments by country, industry guides, market research reports, articles from key business magazines and e-books No Yes
    Access to ICAEW website Public pages only Yes
    Use of Business Centre Yes Yes
    Special rates on room bookings at Chartered Accountants’ Hall Yes Yes
    Eligible for ICAEW member rewards and discounts Yes, with some restrictions on eligibility for finance and insurance based products Yes
    Eligible for anti-money laundering supervision Yes Yes
  • Am I eligible to join ICAEW?

    To be eligible for membership of ICAEW:

    • you need to have obtained membership of your home body by complying with its training and examinations requirements
    • we encourage you to maintain membership of your home body (requirement for SAICA members);
    • you need to comply with ICAEW CPD obligations and make an annual declaration that you have done so
    • you are required to comply with ICAEW's Code of Ethics; and 
    • you must provide a Letter of Good Standing from your home institute in support of your application. 

    You do not have to:  

    • be resident in the UK or Europe to take up ICAEW membership; and
    • sit the ICAEW aptitude test.
  • If I am a member of a GAA institute, will I qualify for a practising certificate?

    Membership of ICAEW does not confer the right to practice accountancy or undertake work in the regulated areas of audit, insolvency or investment business. Members wishing to practice in the UK or European Economic Area will be required to obtain an ICAEW practising certificate. Further conditions apply to those seeking to work in regulated areas. For more information on practising certificates please call +44 (0)1908 248 250.

  • How to apply for a practising certificate
  • If I become a member of ICAEW will I automatically qualify for audit rights?

    Audit is a regulated area in the UK, and membership of the ICAEW will not automatically grant you the right to audit in the UK. To gain audit rights in the UK, individuals joining ICAEW will need to:

    • gain the ICAEW audit qualification; 
    • obtain an ICAEW practising certificate; and  
    • apply to be an ICAEW responsible individual (you must be nominated by your firm for this).

    For further information please contact our enquiry team on +44 (0)1908 248 250 or email [email protected]

  • As a GAA institute member can I use the ICAEW’s designatory letters?

    No, you can only use the ICAEW designatory letters ACA or FCA if you join ICAEW, subject to the regulations which apply to all ICAEW members.

  • Will I need to pay the admission fee and annual subscription when joining ICAEW?

    For more information on how to join please visit our Members of other bodies A-Z page.